*参考资料:[1]赖氨酸在养猪生产中的应用 [J].云南农业大学云南省动物营养与饲料重点实验室饲料博览,2015年(008)24-27[2]吴炜程徐琪翔,任傲,等.氨酸及其在反刍动物营养上的研究进展[J].中国饲料.2022[3]周凡,邵庆君.赖氨酸...
A few days ago, Shandong Province biological fermentation Industry Association announced the list of "Top ten enterprise...
On December 4th, the 6th Member Representative Conference and Expanded Board Meeting of the Shandong Brand Building Promotion...
On November 30, Li Zongyan, deputy editor-in-chief of the provincial People's Congress News agency, and Yu Jinqiang, dire...